Adani headquarters blocked after candidates forum

Adani headquarters blocked after candidates forum

May 8th 2019: Over 25 people are currently blocking the entrance to Adani’s headquarters in Townsville. The protest follows the Dawson electorate’s candidates forum last night in Bowen, after candidates argued for new coal and to open up the Galilee basin. The...
Are anti-Adani protesters who we’re told they are? 

Are anti-Adani protesters who we’re told they are? 

May 7th, 2019: Anti-Adani Protestor Gives Insider Perspective The people who step-up to stop Adani with the group Frontline Action on Coal (FLAC) often find themselves at the centre of a media circus. It’s part of the game they must play, but too often they’re grossly...
Adani contractor locked up and blockaded: day 2

Adani contractor locked up and blockaded: day 2

January 15, 2019: UPDATE  Today saw day two of the campaign against Eastern Tree Services, with protestors returning to Townsville before being given a move on order by police. ETS Perth also arrived to find they had been locked out of their premises. ETS yesterday...
Adani contractor locked up and blockaded

Adani contractor locked up and blockaded

January 14, 2019: New Adani contractor Eastern Tree Services found themselves locked out of five premises in three states this morning, with citizens blocking work trucks at another two premises. Additional locks and chains, as well as signs calling for ETS to ‘get...