Work has been disrupted on the site of Adani’s controversial Carmichael mine this morning, with two people locking themselves to an excavator.
David McRae and Sam Pottenger said their action was a demonstration of the robust democracy required when our government has failed to take adequate steps to avoid climate breakdown.
Mr Pottenger said “the idea of democracy as the public having their say once every few years in an election is completely inadequate. Mining companies and other corporate lobbyists have a permanent presence in Canberra – lobbying, making political donations, offering lucrative executive positions to MP’s after they have left politics. To counteract the insidious power of big corporations, we need an idea of democracy that is engaged, creative and courageous
“The controversy this week causing the resignation of Rockhampton mayor Margaret Strelow is just a reminder of the constant lobbying engaged in by companies like Adani. Over the last decade we have seen two Prime Ministers sacked for threatening the profits of mining companies, we have watched a revolving door between parliament and the mining industry, and we are no further on the path to avoiding catastrophic climate change.
“Every poll has suggested that the majority of Australians want climate action and do not support the Adani mine, yet both major parties support the project. When those supposed to lead us are blocking desperately needed climate action, everyday people need to use all the tools of political power we have to balance out the disproportionate influence of mining companies. That means taking direct actions like this to put our bodies in the way of destructive projects. As the saying goes: this is democracy, manifest.”
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