Non Violence
We are committed to the principles of Non Violent Direct Action (NVDA) and require everyone to abide by these principles whilst here. This means you must:
- Behave and speak respectfully to other people, including camp members, mine workers and police.
- Not behave in a violent, aggressive, or intimidating way towards other people, including camp members, mine workers and police.
If you experience or see any aggressive or intimidating behaviour, gently remind the person of their commitment to these principles, or ask someone else for assistance. Violent behaviour will NOT be tolerated.
Safer Spaces Policy
We are committed to ensuring our spaces are as safe and accessible as possible for all people.
Everyone is welcome, there is no place for sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, ageism, classism, or discrimination based on nationality, gender, identity, religious affiliation (or lack thereof) or any other forms of oppression. Participants are asked to remember that their actions can affect others regardless of their intentions.
Any form of physical, verbal or sexual harassment or abuse WILL NOT BE TOLERATED.
Using a compassionate approach, it is everyone’s responsibility to call out behaviour that breaches the participation agreement.
Our policy is to always believe complaints and take them seriously. We will first seek a resolution agreeable to all parties, but the right to feel safe from abuse and harassment is top priority. If you have any questions or concerns, please see our Safer spaces team.
Decision making – Your voice matters!
Most decisions are made by consensus. This means that any decisions made are done in a way that ensures everyone present is comfortable with a decision before it is made. Participants are encouraged to enter into this process with a spirit of flexibility. Everybody is welcomed and encouraged to contribute new ideas and participate in decisions making. We all share equal responsibility for these decisions.
Frontline Action on Coal is aspirationally a flat, anti-hierarchical structure.
While our organisation aspires to be as non-hierarchical as possible, we acknowledge Indigenous sovereignty, and the traditional custodians of the land on which we stay as guests and supporters. We also acknowledge that our efforts must harmoniously support the efforts of Indigenous communities impacted by coal mining in so-called ‘Australia.’
Respect for experienced activists and their knowledge is important in the spirit of learning from history and to build a powerful, and skilful movement. Respect for newer participants and the novel and critical ideas they bring to make a diverse, creative and self-reflexive movement is also important.
The actions you take whilst participating in the movement and in the broader community reflect on the whole group. Please remember this at all times, and don’t do anything that will negatively impact upon the movement without discussing it and respecting the consensus outcome. If there is an issue that you think needs to be resolved, start the discussion. Don’t wait for someone else to.
Please note that there is – by necessity – a security culture that exists when organising actions. Some activities operate on a ‘need to know’ basis, but always feel free to ask questions if you are not sure what is going on.
Smoking, Alcohol and Drugs
- Whilst you are participating in events and actions with Frontline Action on Coal, your individual actions will be viewed as a representative of the group. Your actions in the surrounding community could have serious impacts on the campaign and the broader movement. Please be mindful of the way that you behave and your consumption and its effects on others.
- At all times drunken behaviour will NOT BE TOLERATED. A drink is ok, drunk is not. Illegal drugs are NOT ALLOWED AT ANY TIME.
- This is a serious matter and breaches will result in you being asked to leave.
- If you have a substance abuse problem or find that you have issues with the behaviour requested in this agreement, you are encouraged to discuss it with a Safer Spaces representative.
- Please be aware that police car searches and drug/alcohol testing are common on the way to and from actions.
- If you smoke, respect others who don’t. Do not smoke in or around communal areas and be sure to go far enough outside of these areas that you’re not smoking people out of them. Be responsible for your own cigarette butts and their disposal.