A well-trained team of FLAC activists recently paid a surprise visit to Hastings Deering in Mackay after hearing that the company was putting together some monstrous machines for Adani’s Carmichael mine. Over a massive site in Mackay’s industrial estate (the scale of which needs to be seen to be believed), activists blocked the main gate with people, signs and banners. At the same time, two other gates were disabled by people locking themselves to them. To add to HD’s woes, another activist entered the yard, scaled one of the monster machines and locked on. In all, nine activists were arrested. The message was clear: “NO TRUCKIN’ WAY Adani!” This action happened during the Queenslanders’ Week on the Frontlines, which couldn’t have happened without the support of everyone pitching in all kinds of skills during the week – from cooking and banner painting to driving or cheering on those who stepped up to put their bodies on the line to stop work. Everyone is needed on the frontline, including you! Throughout history dangerous projects like Adani’s mine have been stopped in their tracks by everyday people who care about our future taking a stand. Will you join us at this turning point in history to stop Adani on the frontline? Take the pledge to rise for the Galilee: www.galileerising.com
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